【心斎橋】夏の名物といえば…ひんやり冷たいうどん | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

Shinsaibashi] Speaking of summer specialties...chilly, cold udon noodles

心斎橋にある【うどんちり本家 にし家本店】の夏を乗り切るメニュー
Hello, I am a PR person for Udonchiri Honke Nishi Iemoto! I am the PR person in charge of Udon Chiri Honke Nishi Iemoto.

The hot days are gradually increasing, but how are you doing?
It is going to get really hot from now on, and you are worried about fatigue, loss of appetite, and various other problems.
In that case, why don't you try our restaurant's specialty menu to get you through the summer?


Chilly and delicious summer menu

Summer special: udon noodles with a tub of rice.

This seasonal dish is served with udon noodles in a tub filled with a whole large piece of ice.
With 9 kinds of condiments (sesame, chopped nori, green onion, golden thread egg, sakura shrimps, light fried bean curd, shiso leaves, grated radish, grated ginger),
Two types of dashi broth are available to enjoy the change of flavors.
Also, udon noodles can be refilled freely, so please enjoy them until you are full.


We also recommend our Unaju for hot summer!

The B vitamins found in eel are essential for metabolism, which converts dietary carbohydrates and fats into energy for activity.
It is also known as the "vitamin of metabolism.
When B vitamins are deficient, it becomes difficult to convert food into energy,
As a result, the so-called summer fatigue symptoms, such as tiredness and lethargy, are more likely to occur.
If you want to stay energetic this summer, we recommend you to try eels.


In this issue, we have introduced a menu of specialties that will get you through the summer.
The restaurant's interior has the atmosphere of a long-established restaurant, and even first-time customers can feel a sense of nostalgia in this comfortable space.
We are also open for lunch, so please feel free to use our restaurant for early banquets, business entertainment, dinners, etc.

The entire staff sincerely looks forward to serving you, cherishing each and every encounter.


You can check our extensive menu here ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓.
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