全国旅行支援/クーポン使えるお店/プレミアム食事券も/使えますよ❗👍/心斎橋個室/老舗うどん屋/にし家心斎橋本店 | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

National travel support / stores where coupons can be used / premium meal coupons can also be used ❗👍 / Shinsaibashi private rooms / long-established udon restaurant / Nishiie Shinsaibashi Honten

National travel support / stores where coupons can be used / premium meal coupons can also be used ❗👍 / Shinsaibashi private rooms / long-established udon restaurant / Nishiie Shinsaibashi Honten

This is Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store: ⤴️
I wish you the best of luck and I wish you the best of luck.

Our store is a member of the "Nationwide Travel Support" = "Welcome to Osaka from all over Japan Campaign" ❗
This is a store where you can use coupons: ⤴️

The following affiliated sister stores are also available ❗

Osaka premium meal coupons from Go to eat can also be used👍

We look forward to seeing you at our store: ⤴️
(*σ>∀<)σ そばしゃぶ総本家浪花そば心斎橋本店 naniwasoba_minami 蕎麦しゃぶ総本家浪花そば 北浜店 naniwasoba_kitahama 蕎麦しゃぶ総本家浪花そば なんばダイニングメゾン店 naniwasoba_nanba にし家 グランフロント店 nishiya_grandfront 出汁家浪庵 梅田スカイビル店 dashiyanamian 心斎ばし 浪花そば ツイン21店 にし家心斎橋本店への席のみ予約はInstagramプロフィールから予約可能❗当日朝10時まで受付⤴️ (*σ>∀Holy shit!<)σ 当店の美味しいもちもちうどんはオンラインショップにてお取り寄せ可能❗ 美味しいお取り寄せはこちらからどうぞ‼️ https://osaka-nishiya.shop-pro.jp/

Nishiya Shinsaibashi Main Store
1-18-18 Higashi-Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
For store reservations and inquiries ❗