24時間注文可能!お店の味をお届け~ 【にし家・浪花そばオンラインショップ】 | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

Ordering available 24 hours a day! Delivering the taste of the store - [NISHIYA NANIWA-SOBA ONLINE SHOP

Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store.

Nishiie and Naniwa Soba Online Shop can now deliver Nishiie's homemade udon noodles in "fresh" form!

The registered trademarked specialty seafood hot pot "Udon Chiri" comes complete with a special broth, sticky homemade udon noodles, vegetables, seafood, special chiri-zu (vinegar), and condiments.

All you need to prepare is a pot!

New products are being updated all the time! Please visit us online first!
Nishiya Naniwa Soba Online Shophttps://osaka-nishiya.shop-pro.jp/

心斎橋にある【うどんちり本家 にし家本店】ではお鍋の通販も開始しました<心斎橋駅2分>和の風情漂う、老舗うどん店