元旦お届け可/本日16時まで❗/年内最終/お取り寄せ/名物海鮮鍋料理/全17種の具材/にし家心斎橋本店 | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

New Year's Day delivery available/until 4:00 p.m. today❗/Last order before the end of the year/Order in/famous seafood hot pot dish/17 different ingredients/Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store

New Year's Day delivery available/until 4:00 p.m. today❗/Last order before the end of the year/Order in/famous seafood hot pot dish/17 different ingredients/Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store

This is Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store: ⤴️

Thank you very much for your daily orders ❗

Orders for the year will be accepted until 4:00 pm today, the 23rd. ⤴️

Did you forget to order❓
It's not too late: ‼️
(*σ>∀<)σ 元旦お届け可❗ ゚+.゚(´▽`人)゚+.゚ 美味しいお取り寄せはこちらからどうぞ‼️ https://osaka-nishiya.shop-pro.jp/

Nishiya Shinsaibashi Main Store
1-18-18 Higashi-Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
For store reservations and inquiries ❗