「個別盛コース飲み放題付」@にし家心斎橋本店/老舗うどん屋/心斎橋個室/心斎橋宴会/歓迎会/送別会/一人鍋も | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

Individual serving course with all-you-can-drink @Nishiya Shinsaibashi main restaurant/Shinsaibashi private room/Shinsaibashi banquet/welcome party/farewell party/one-pot dish

Individual serving course with all-you-can-drink @Nishiya Shinsaibashi main restaurant/Shinsaibashi private room/Shinsaibashi banquet/welcome party/farewell party/one-pot dish

This is Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store: ⤴️

March is here, and the course contents, lunches, and other dishes will gradually change to spring dishes ❗
( **艸艸)🌸

This is the Kaiseki course for March
Spring cabbage, bamboo shoots, sesame tofu with yuba bean paste, deep-fried haruko shiitake mushrooms, steamed spring vegetables with pork roll in a small pot, etc...

The ingredients and the appearance of the dish will make you feel 🌸spring🌸 with the addition of small 🍡 three-colored dango dumplings in the bouzoyose. ⤴️
♪ Holy shit ♪

Not only Kaiseki course, but also "One-pot course for one person" and "Nigiwai banquet course" for banquet are available at reasonable prices. ⤴️

Private rooms of various sizes are available in a Japanese-style restaurant. ⤴️
Please ☎️ first ‼️
From the profile (*σ>∀)<)σ お取り寄せも好評承り中❗ 美味しいお取り寄せはこちらからどうぞ‼️ ゚+.゚(´▽`人)゚+.゚ https://osaka-nishiya.shop-pro.jp/

Nishiya Shinsaibashi Main Store
1-18-18 Higashi-Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka