【こだわり出汁と自家製生うどん】@にし家心斎橋本店/心斎橋忘年会/大小個室/団体様歓迎 | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

Nishiie Shinsaibashi Main Restaurant @Nishiya Shinsaibashi / Shinsaibashi Year-End Party / Large and Small Private Rooms / Groups are welcome.

Nishiie Shinsaibashi Main Restaurant @Nishiya Shinsaibashi / Shinsaibashi Year-End Party / Large and Small Private Rooms / Groups are welcome.

This is Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store: ⤴️
I'll be back again today ❗

Looks like the temperatures are going to drop a lot this week!
Long hot days and no 🍁autumn🍁 ......
I'm so cold intolerant that the slightest difference in temperature makes me feel very ❄️⛄ cold⛄❄️⤵️⤵️
(Polish people are not allowed to use the Polish name 💦.

But ❗Yes, the "udon season" and "hot pot season" ......[Nishiie season] has finally arrived: ⤴️⤴️
♪♪♪ ♪♪

Various nabeyaki udon noodles are also available❗
(*σ>∀<)σ ごちそう鍋料理は各種コースあり❗ (*σ>∀Holy shit!<)σ コースには飲み放題をセットでどうぞ⤴️ おすすめ地酒と焼酎が含まれる「ぷれみあむ飲み放題」も出来ました‼️ (*σ>∀Holy shit!<)σ (通常飲み放題は1800円 ぷれみあむ飲み放題は2500円) まだまだ空いてるお日にちもございますので まずはお電話にてご相談くださいませ⤴️ (*゚∀゚)*。_。)*゚∀゚)*。_。) お歳暮のお届けや 年末年始のお取り寄せも好評受付中❗ にし家の登録商標全17種の具材の名物海鮮鍋料理【うどんちり】もお取り寄せ可能❗ 12/30や大晦日や元旦のお届け承り中⤴️ ご注文お待ちしております‼️ ♪( ´∀`)人(´∀` )♪ 美味しいお取り寄せはこちらからどうぞ‼️ ゚+.゚(´▽`人)゚+.゚ https://osaka-nishiya.shop-pro.jp/

We now have an official LINE account for our online store!
Add a friend and receive a coupon for a discount🉐!
Please add me as a friend!
Click here for the official LINE account of Nishi-ya and Naniwa Soba online store.

Hometown tax returns are here for Moshabu.



Nishiya Shinsaibashi Main Store
1-18-18 Higashi-Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka-shi, Osaka
For store reservations and inquiries, please contact us at ☎️❗