【2月のランチメニュー】@にし家心斎橋本店/こだわり出汁/自家製生うどん/ランチメニュー豊富/大小個室あり | 【公式】うどんちり本家 にし家本店

February Lunch Menu] @Nishiya Shinsaibashi Main Store/Home-made fresh udon noodles/Various lunch menus/Small and large private rooms available

February Lunch Menu] @Nishiya Shinsaibashi Main Store/Home-made fresh udon noodles/Various lunch menus/Small and large private rooms available

This is Nishiya Shinsaibashi main store: ⤴️
I will continue to work hard over the weekend ❗

Here is the lunch menu from February
Sneak leak before the start: ......
♪ Holy shit ♪

We welcome you to our extensive lunch menu. ⤴️
If you are ever in Shinsaibashi, please come and visit us ❗
We look forward to seeing you at ‼️
(*σ>∀<)σ 老舗うどん屋 にし家心斎橋本店 大阪市中央区東心斎橋1-18-18 美味しいお取り寄せはこちら↓ https://osaka-nishiya.shop-pro.jp